How Anyone Can Use The New Science Of... 
To Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster WITHOUT Giving Up Any Of Your Favorite Foods
Fitness author Matt Marshall reveals the counter-intuitive strategy he used to transform himself and his clients... 
My Name is Matt Marshall...

And in the next 3 minutes... 

I’ll PROVE that even if you have “bad” genetics...

No matter what your body shape or your current physical condition… 

Even if you’ve tried to get in shape before and failed...

To harness a proven biological process that can help anyone get lean…
Without swearing off any of your favorite foods...
And without spending hours a week in the gym.…
In fact I feel lucky to be able to share this with you today. Because, you see...
Today I’m In The Best Shape Of My Life (At Age 43) Thanks To This Discovery…

Despite the fact that I'm in my mid-40s...  

Despite the fact that I’ve got a sweet tooth that would make Willy Wonka proud…

And despite the fact that I REFUSE to count carbs, points or macros… 

I still managed to get a lean & fit physique… 

... and I’m finally comfortable taking my shirt off at the beach.

But It Wasn't Always Like This For Me...
This Was Me Before...

* 40 pounds heavier...

Meticulously tracking my macros and watching my carb intake...

* Stuck in an endless cycle of unproductive workout programs…

* And slowly losing the battle against time, getting a little bit more out of shape with each passing year no matter what I tried.

Honestly it's the same struggle that most busy adults face. That's why, right here on this page...
I'm Going To Share With You The Simple But Effective
I Used To Overcome My Poor Genetics & Transform My Body
(And Why I'm Convinced This Will Work For Men & Women Of All Ages, Shapes & Sizes) 

With this scientifically-validated technique, I got in the best shape of my life in just a few months…

...and finally got the kind of body I could feel happy and proud about.  

If you just read that and thought to yourself...
"Yeah Right... That's Great For You But There's No Way It Will Work For Me"
I get it.

For a long time, I thought the same thing.

The diet industry has brainwashed us into believing that getting lean & fit is a lot more complicated than it really is.
It’s this lie that keeps the $200 billion-dollar diet industry alive.[1]
Yet here’s the truth...
Anyone Can Trigger The Body To Use...
To Reach Your Fitness Goals
Over the next few minutes...

I’ll prove that all you need to activate “carbon unlocking” and radically transform your body is a few minutes a week… a small amount of effort (much less than you’ve been told)...

… and a simple understanding of what it REALLY takes to get lean & fit. 

This isn’t hype.
Do What I Show You Today And Your Body WILL Change (Even If You Have Less-Than-Perfect Genetics)
*Results vary depending on starting point, goals and effort.  See full disclaimer below.  
(What might surprise you most is to get results like these you won't have to set foot on a treadmill or an exercise bike. You won’t have to give up any of your favorite foods. And you won’t have to count carbs, points or macros.)
Before discovering this simple “carbon unlocking” technique... 
I Tried All The Mainstream Diet & Workout Plans…
Listen, I’m not lazy.

I went to the gym – sometimes even twice a day.

I tried keto. 

I counted carbs.

I tried the Mediterranean diet, I tried “eating clean” and every other plan under the sun.

I tried P90-X. I lifted weights and did my cardio. 

But no matter what workout I tried… no matter what eating plan I followed… I couldn’t get rid of my belly. 
It was only after discovering the hidden science about how fat cells ACTUALLY work…
… that I was FINALLY able to get the results I wanted. 

Once I discovered this secret about how fat cells inside the body really work…

… even I was stunned at how fast my body transformed.
The Secret Is A 3-Part Strategy That Actually... 
Once you start using the 3-parts of the system…
… it triggers the body to burn fat at an accelerated rate compared to the kind of results most dieters experience.

Giving you a “shortcut” towards getting the kind of body that turns heads at the beach or at the pool.

It doesn’t matter your body shape…

It doesn’t matter what your blood type is…

It doesn’t matter what your current eating habits are like…

And it doesn’t matter if you haven’t set foot in a gym since the 80’s…

Because the very first day you put this 3-part system into practice…
... And it's biologically impossible for you to NOT see results
There IS one catch…

Although this is 100% beginner-friendly...
… and although it’s true you really can eat all of your favorite foods on this plan…

… you simply can’t eat “round the clock” and still expect to get lean.

The simple trade-off that you will make on this plan is this:

You can eat WHATEVER you want… just not WHENEVER you want.

This is because WHEN you eat is actually more important than WHAT you eat. (More on this later.)

So if you’re willing to accept that trade-off…

… then I promise I can show you how to get a lean & fit physique. The kind of body you can be proud of. 

People who haven’t seen you in a while will be stunned.

You’ll be showered with comments like “Wow, what have you been doing!?” and “Seriously… what’s your secret?”

And wild as it sounds, people may actually start treating you differently.
It’s not fair… but lean & fit people get better treatment. 

I discovered this first hand after my transformation. I urge you to please be careful with your newfound powers. 

So if you’re ready to get in the best shape of your life…
And if you want to do it faster than most people believe is possible...

Then let’s get to it because using Carbon Unlocking to finally get a lean & fit physique is the pinnacle of rapid body transformation…  

This can save you years of frustration...

Not to mention the thousands of dollars it can save you by preventing you from wasting time with overpriced gym memberships, overpriced bootcamp classes like CrossFit or Orange Theory, and cocky trainers with zero results to speak of...
As I mentioned, my name is Matt Marshall.

If you’re wondering what finally drove me to lose over 40 pounds, the truth is...
A Family Photo At The Beach Pushed Me Over The Edge
I will fully admit that I’m not one of those people that was ever 300 pounds overweight.

I’ve always been fairly active.  

I’ve always done my best to eat healthy foods.

And I'm actually a certified personal trainer...

...and have been for years.  So when it comes to getting lean, fit & healthy, I know the "conventional" textbook approach by heart. 
I did my best to “eat clean.”

I stayed away from carbs.

I tracked my “macronutrients” or “macros.”

I followed all their rules, like making sure I ate enough protein every day. 

And I went to the gym. 

 I lifted weights and I did my cardio. I spent hours every week on the exercise bike or the treadmill.  

Oh and I was spending hundreds of dollars a month on all the latest supplements. 

 Like the pre-workout that I had to take 30 minutes before my workout. Then the post-workout shake that you were supposed to drink 15 minutes after your workout. 

That one cost $10 at the gym...

... which adds up quick when you're going to the gym 5-6 days a week like I was! 
Not to mention the meal replacement shakes and all the other supplements I was using at the time.  

I was putting in the work and I was following all their rules. And I thought I was in decent shape…
Until The Lady Who Delivers The Mail Handed Me This Photo…
I swear I even heard her snicker a bit when she handed me the mail that day. 

A few months back, my family and I spent the day at the beach. And my mom wanted a family photo of everyone. So we all huddled together for the pic. 

I had been playing with my kids in the water and I didn’t have my shirt. I wanted to grab my shirt and put it on for the photo but it was too far away and I didn’t want to make everyone wait.


… I thought I was in decent shape. 

After all, I was the guy that was going to the gym 5-6x a week, counting his macronutrients every night and spending hundreds of dollars every month on supplements.

So I stood for the picture and then forgot about it.
But little did I know my mom decided to use that picture for the family Christmas card that year.  

I was mortified.  

That picture had been mailed out to hundreds of people. 

I felt exposed. 

I was supposed to be the "fitness guy" in the family...

... but I had “moobs” for goodness sake.

And even though I was doing my best to “suck in my gut” for the photo, you could still see my soft belly. 

I knew in that moment that something had to change.

If you’ve ever seen an unflattering picture of yourself...

...or if you’ve ever looked in the mirror and been unhappy with what you saw, then you understand exactly what I was feeling.
That Night, I Did Some Serious Soul Searching
I had to ask myself if it was all worth it.

Why was I torturing myself in the gym 5-6x a week, why was I counting macronutrients and saying “no thanks” to all my favorite foods if I wasn’t happy with the way I looked?

What was the point of all of this?

I was really getting down on myself.

And truthfully, I should have just quit right then and there. 
But I Have A Weird Personality Quirk

... and my "quirk" made it impossible to let go.

You see, my brain sometimes makes it impossible for me to move on until I’ve figured out the answer to a problem.
Which can be a good or a bad thing sometimes if I’m being honest. But in this case, it ended up being a very good thing.
Driven By Red-Faced Embarrassment Of That Photo I Set Out To Discover The TRUTH About Getting In Great Shape
You see…
Due to my obsessive personality quirk, I tackled this problem like a dog going after a bone.  

My home office became my own personal research laboratory and I was determined to solve this riddle once and for all.

I’m not talking about just “googling” or scanning a few Youtube videos. I’m talking about digging deep into the HARD SCIENCE to answer this one basic question… 
"What Is The ACTUAL MECHANISM That Triggers The Cells In The Body To Get Lean?

It seems like such a simple question.

But I found that most personal trainers don't know the answer.
Most nutritionists don’t know the answer.

And most doctors and dieticians can’t answer this question correctly either.

This really blew my mind.
When it comes to explaining what the actual mechanism is that triggers the body to get leaner, even the “professionals” are just…
The result is that a lot of the common advice on getting lean & fit is actually dead wrong!

Case in point:

If you ask a personal trainer, a doctor or some other professional how to get lean, they’ll tell you to exercise more.
It makes sense on the surface – exercising burns calories so if you exercise more you’ll end up burning more calories.

And don’t get me wrong.

Exercise is really good for your overall health.  But when it comes to getting lean…
Exercise Just Isn't Very Effective
For the proof, look no further than marathon runners.
A marathon is 26.2 miles which takes anywhere from 4-8 hours to complete, depending on the terrain.

You would think that kind of extreme effort would burn a ton of calories, right? 


The truth is running a marathon – that’s a full 26.2 miles – burns only 2,600 calories on average.[2]
Now consider that you need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose a single pound of fat.[3]

This means running 26.2 miles doesn’t even burn enough calories to lose one pound of fat! 

Don’t get me wrong – exercise is great for your health. 

But when it comes to getting lean, exercise is NOT the trigger for weight loss.[4][5][6] 
So if exercise isn’t the primary trigger for getting lean, then what is? 

Well, if you listen to the low-carb advocates they’ll tell you the secret to getting lean is to avoid sugar. 

Again, this sounds like good advice on the surface. But there’s just one problem…
It's Wrong!
Scientists have known for YEARS that it’s possible to get lean while eating sugar. 

Back in the 1960’s Dr. Kempner proved it by helping regular people get lean while feeding them massive amounts of sugar, white rice and fruit![7]
This is stunning to most people.
After all, we’ve all been told that eating sugar or carbohydrates like rice & fruit will make you gain weight.

But the truth is that once you know how to properly signal the body to unlock the carbon trapped inside fat cells, you can get lean & fit while still enjoying all of your favorite foods – yes, even carb-rich foods like white rice and sugar! 

I’ll explain more in just a second but first there’s one more myth I need to shatter…
The Myth Of "Slow & Steady" (And Why Fast Is Actually Better)
Anyone trying to get leaner has heard that it’s better to lose it “slow & steady.”

The conventional wisdom being that if you lose it fast, you’ll just end up gaining it all back.

But science proves this is false.

In fact, the research shows that losing weight SLOWER makes it more likely that you’ll regain the weight.

A long-term analysis of dieters... the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that those who lost the most weight during an initial 8-week phase were the most successful at KEEPING the weight off 6 months later.[8]
What's more...

The research shows that losing weight slowly can actually be WORSE for your metabolism. 

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Metabolism... 

...3 groups of dieters were tested and scientists found that dieters who lost bodyweight the slowest saw the biggest drop in resting metabolism![9]
The #1 Thing That Everybody Gets Wrong When It Comes To Getting Lean
The simple truth is this:

Getting lean can actually be really simple.

You don’t need a high-priced gym membership.

You don’t need to count carbs or give up any of your favorite foods.

And you don’t need to mess with shakes, cleanses or any of that nonsense.

That’s because everybody is missing the “big secret” to getting lean. 

It’s not about torturing yourself with exercise.

It’s not about “eating clean”, counting macronutrients or cutting out carbs.

And it’s not about swearing off any of your favorite foods or trying to live the rest of your life on some kind of complicated diet program. Trust me – those restrictive diet approaches never work.
So Please Give Yourself A Break Right Now!
The mainstream health & fitness professionals have been giving us bad advice for years.

So if you’ve been struggling… or if it feels like getting lean & fit has been an uphill battle for you…

… it’s NOT your fault. 

You’ve been working with bad information.

It's like they sold you a faulty map... 

...and then blamed YOU when you didn’t get to the destination!!
A Reclusive Billionaire Who Fled To The Swiss Alps!
During my research it became abundantly clear that none of the health & fitness professionals had a clue about how to help regular people lose weight.

So I started researching OUTSIDE of the traditional health & fitness arenas.

That's when I discovered... 

...the lost writings of a reclusive billionaire living in the Swiss Alp mountains.
In the early 90’s, an ultra-successful California computer programmer who goes by the initials “J.W.” sold his wildly successful technology company and fled to the Swiss Alps.

He had enough money to last 10 lifetimes… but one problem continued to give him fits. 

His weight.

He’d battled weight problems his entire life. 

And the stress of working to sell his company made him almost 80 pounds overweight when he fled to Switzerland.

But J.W. had a brilliant mind when it came to solving problems. And so in his retirement he decided to tackle the only problem he’d yet to solve in his life: 

His battle with his weight.

Like me, J.W. had already tried every fad diet under the sun with no lasting success.

So this time he decided to try something that had never been done before.

You see, J.W. was a computer programmer by trade.

He knew that if you want a computer do something you have to give it the proper code.
J.W. realized that the human body was a lot like a computer.

When you go out in the sun for a long time...

... it triggers a “code” inside the skin cells and the body responds by developing a tan.

When you bump your shin on the coffee table... triggers a code inside the cells and the body responds by developing a bruise.
In both cases, there’s a SIGNAL that triggers your body’s internal CODE, and then a REACTION. Once J.W. realized this, he set out to find…
A “Code” That Orders The Body To Get Leaner
So for the first time in his life…

… J.W. started thinking of his own body as a computer. A computer that would follow instructions IF it was given the proper code to follow.

Now… you would think that doctors, nutritionists or personal trainers would be the one to figure out this code. 

After all, shouldn’t they have learned this stuff on day 1 of their training?

But sadly, most of these “professionals” don’t have a clue about the SCIENCE of losing weight. In fact, when asked a simple question about the scientific process of losing weight…
98% Of Doctors, Personal Trainers & Dieticians Get This Wrong!
A group of scientists polled 150 doctors, personal trainers and dieticians with one simple question:

Where does the fat in your body go when you lose weight?

It’s stunningly sad and embarrassing that out of 150 health professionals, only 3 of ‘em were able to answer this question correctly![9]
  • Most thought the fat got converted to energy or heat. WRONG.
  • Others thought the fat was expelled through urine, feces or sweat. WRONG.  
  • Still others thought the fat turned into muscle. This is EMBARRASSINGLY WRONG. 
  • ​And 10% of these health and fitness “professionals” just shrugged their shoulders and admitted they didn’t have a clue. 

This is a huge problem.

And this level of professional INCOMPETENCE is probably a big reason why obesity is a global problem. 
And if you’ve found it difficult to get and stay lean...

... this is why it’s not your fault. If health & fitness professionals don’t know what actually happens to fat when someone loses weight, how can they give anyone accurate advice on how to get lean?
Here's The Answer
Inside your body you’ve got billions of fat cells. These little buggers are “programmed” to soak up all available calories and fat and store this excess FOREVER!
But here’s the thing…

All those extra calories don't get stored inside fat cells in the form of calories, carbohydrates or fats.  They get converted and stored as CARBON molecules.
With most popular diet plans...

You might lose a few pounds of water weight at first.  But the reason most people don't see significant changes is because...

... they never end up signaling the body to release the excess carbon from their fat cells!  
But when you send the proper signal, the fat cells are programmed to respond by releasing their carbon stores and SHRINKING.
For this process to work, you must send a very specific signal to your fat cells that tells them it’s time to release their stored carbon contents and shrink. 

And this is what almost everybody gets wrong about the progress of getting leaner.
The #1 Reason Why Most Fitness Plans Fail
If you don’t send the proper signal to your fat cells, then it doesn’t matter how clean you eat or how much you exercise – you will NOT get leaner.

It doesn’t matter if you eat low-fat or low-carb.

It doesn’t matter if you run 10 miles a day.

It doesn’t matter if you eat organic food or spend half your paycheck on supplements.

If you're not sending the proper signal to your fat cells... 

... you won't lose an ounce of stored body fat no matter how strict your diet or how hard you exercise. 
Now of course, anyone who starts a new fitness program will probably see some initial results.  

But oftentimes that’s simply a matter of losing water weight. 

 It’s not actual fat loss because none of the popular diet or fitness plans actually send the proper signal to your fat cells.
This is why so many people see results in the first 2 weeks of starting a new diet… 

... and then ZERO results afterward. 

They lose water weight at first… but because they are not actually signaling the body to release stored carbon inside their fat cells, they never really make any noticeable progress.
Are you starting to see now why so many of your past attempts at getting fit have ended in vain?

It’s disheartening, I know. But don’t worry.  

There is a simple, science-based way to get lean. 
You just need to be willing to try a different approach.

That different approach is “Carbon Unlocking”...

Because unlike all those other mainstream fitness approaches...
Is Designed To Help Regular People Get Lean & Fit By Signaling The Fat Cells In Your Body To Shrink!
I’m going to show you how it’s done right now, so you can copy this approach to start transforming your physique.

First, let’s dive into the carbon-unlocking technique, OK? 
Because unless you’re one of those lucky people that can stay naturally lean without giving it a second thought…

Using Carbon Unlocking to trigger changes at the cellular level is the ONLY way to reliably transform your body without resorting to dangerous surgeries or other approaches. 

Now, there are actually 3 pieces of the Carbon-Unlocking puzzle that I’m going to share with you today. 
Alone, each of these techniques works to signal your body to reliably shrink & even eliminate fat cells. Yet...
Put All 3 Into Action...
... And You Create A "Perfect Storm" Of Physique-Changing Conditions In Your Body
Once this perfect storm begins in your body, these cellular signaling techniques can actually “build” on one another...

The result is a SYNERGISTIC process that unlocks much faster results than what most people are used to. 
The First Part Of The Carbon Unlocking Process Is Called...
Myokine-Generating Activity
Yes, it sounds like something out of a PhD Biology textbook...

Don’t worry about the name.

Just know that when you trigger Myokine-Generating Activity… 

You signal your body to boost the level of your metabolism, burn more calories AND regulate your appetite. 
Scientists from around the world are growing increasingly interested in the role that Myokines play with regard to weight management. 

Now, the key to triggering Myokine-Generating Activity is how you work out.

You see, most traditional forms of exercise do NOT trigger Myokine-Generating Activity.

In fact, according to published research in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences[10]…

The way most people exercise just isn’t very effective for triggering an enhanced Myokine response.

In fact, according to this little-known study[11]...
Only A Specific Type Of Exercise Successfully Triggers The Maximum Myokine Response
In other words...

If your goal is to get lean and fit…

… then you need to prioritize the type of exercise that has been scientifically-proven to maximize the myokine response.
According To The Research, Here's What
Doesn't Work...
Based on the available research, we know that traditional exercise programs simply aren’t very effective at maximizing myokine response.

That means things like…
  • Running on the treadmill or jogging outside
  • Group fitness classes  
  • Doing endless crunches or sit-ups 
  • ​Swimming, biking or cross-country skiing
  • ​Yoga, pilates or other similar forms of exercise
  • ​Dancing, boxing, or any kind of class where the goal is to burn lots of calories
  • ​The kinds of high-impact home exercise routines pitched by 22-year old Instagram models.

… what kind of exercise has been scientifically-proven to trigger the myokine response?

Well… it’s resistance training. But NOT the kind of resistance training that most people do.

I’m NOT talking about lifting heavy weights or spending hours in the gym.
The type of resistance training that has been shown to trigger the myokine response can be done at home with no equipment.

And what’s really interesting is that you only need a bare minimum of this special type of training to “flip the switch” and trigger the myokine response.

And what's really interesting...

... is that you only need a bare minimum of this special type of training to "flip the switch" and trigger the myokine response.
In fact the exact workout plan I teach to my clients takes just…
12 Minutes Per WEEK
That might sound too good to be true but remember...

...I’m not interested in using exercise as a “punishment” for yesterday’s midnight snack.

And as I showed you before…

… even running a marathon doesn’t burn as many calories as we would like. So it doesn’t really make sense to do long, tedious cardio sessions in the hopes of burning calories.
Our goal is to use a special type of resistance training to trigger the Myokine response – that’s it. 

And luckily you don’t have to spend all day in the gym or spend hours on the treadmill to make this happen.

Just a few simple movements that can be done in the comfort of your own home in less than 12 minutes a week is enough to get the process started. 

Just so you know…
This Will NOT Burn Very Many Calories...
Now, I will fully admit that you won’t burn very many calories during this type of resistance training workout. 

In fact you might not even break a sweat. 

But that's ok. 

... Because we’re not trying to exercise just for the purpose of “getting sweaty” or “burning calories.”

What we’re trying to do is trigger the Myokine response which sets the stage for the next part of the carbon-unlocking process.

So let’s move on to the 2nd part of the process.

This is something most doctors, nutritionists, and personal trainers haven’t even heard of yet because…
Researchers At A World Famous Human Performance Laboratory Only Discovered This In 2021!
Even among professional fitness scientists… 

...where everyone “geeks out” on the latest research the instant it gets published…. 

I haven’t seen anyone else talking about this incredible strategy.
The most surprising part about this recent development is that it FINALLY answers the question as to why some people can’t seem to get lean EVEN if they hit the gym for hours every day!

According to Doctors Burton & Cold from the Human Performance Laboratory inside the University of Tennessee[12]...
Some People Experience What's Called "Fat Oxidation Resistance." 
This means their bodies oxidize or burn fat at a LOWER rate compared to other people – even when test subjects ran for an hour straight every day!

So if it feels like... 

... you have to work harder than other people just to see the same results...

... or if it feels like the scale won't budge no matter how many miles you log on the treadmill...
... now you know the reason why. 

It’s possible that you could fall under the category of people who are “fat oxidation resistant.”

Now, here’s the really interesting part:

In their published research paper...

.... that appeared in the journal of Medicine, Science, Sports & Exercise[12], doctors Burton & Cole identified the exact mechanism anyone can use to restore normal fat oxidation (or “fat burning.”)

This has nothing to do with swearing off any or your favorite foods, cutting out carbs or increasing the time you spend in the gym.
None of that stuff matters when it comes to restoring normal fat oxidation procedures.

In fact, you can start restoring normal fat oxidation beginning right now and it will take just…
4 Seconds!
Don't scoff just yet.  

I'll prove it.

Maybe you’ve seen the articles talking about the harm of extended sitting[13][14[15][16]…
But it’s even worse than we thought before…

Check this out:

In their published research, doctors Burton & Cole found that excessive sitting can actually “undo” the fat-burning effects of your workouts.

They found that if you...

... run for an hour on Monday, sitting too much on Tuesday may actually CANCEL OUT the fat-burning effects of your previous workout!

Luckily there is a solution:

Make sure you get at least 8,500 steps per day REGARDLESS of whether you exercised that day or not. 

The research shows that hitting this target actually activates your fat-burning genes and improves your fat-oxidation levels, helping you avoid the dreaded “fat-oxidation resistance.”

Of course...

... walking 8,500 steps per day is not easy to do. Especially if you have a desk job, a lengthy commute, or if you live in an area with bad weather.

But here's the good news...

... I found a way to get the same benefits of walking 8,500 steps per day in just 4 seconds!
There’s a simple, non-exercise based activity that you can do right at your desk or couch that takes just 4 seconds to perform. 

Best of all, every time you do this 4-second activity, it can “undo” the previous 59 minutes and 56 seconds of sitting!

Scientists call this "non-fatiguing activity"...

... and studies show it results in a 43% increase in whole body fat-oxidation (fat burning) compared to the control group![17]
I’ll tell you more about how to get started with this protocol in just a minute.

But first I need to tell you about the 3rd and most important part of carbon unlocking…
This Third & Final Piece Of The Puzzle Is Like
Adding A Blowtorch 
 To The Whole Process!

Picture it like this...

... What would happen to your body...

If you could spend a specific “signal” to your fat cells telling them to shrink?”

Well this is the power of the 3rd piece of the puzzle.

There’s a scientifically proven way to RELIABLY send this signal to your fat cells, forcing them to shrink, and getting you one step closer to a lean & fit physique.

It doesn’t matter what kinds of foods you eat.

It doesn’t matter if you drink alcohol or not.

It doesn’t matter if you eat high-fat foods or if you prefer foods higher in carbohydrates. 

It doesn’t matter if you eat pizza, birthday cake or whatever else is on the menu.

All you have to do is follow this formula and you will signal your body to release their stored carbon and shrink. This makes the process of getting lean very simple & straightforward. 

The secret is harnessing the power of...
A Special Type Of Protein Called
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) 
Don’t worry...

Even though it’s a protein, you don’t have to drink a gross-tasting protein shake or anything like that. 

You see, your body makes AMPK naturally...

You just have to “activate” it.

You see...

AMPK works kind of like an old-time railroad switch.
When AMPK is inactive…

The carbohydrates, fat and calories that you eat are stored as carbon inside fat cells. 

This makes the fat cells GROW LARGER.
But when you activate AMPK… 

.. it basically THROWS A SWITCH and shifts your body into fat-burning mode. 

Once AMPK is activated, the body sends the proper code to the fat cells, telling them to release their carbon stores.

Then the fat cells shrink... the end result is a lean & fit physique. 
So the next obvious question is...
How Do You Activate
That’s a great question.

And for a long time, scientists didn’t know the answer.

Like many fitness myths, it got chalked up to “having good genes.”

Then genetic research scientists cracked the code.
They found that you can control the process of activating AMPK by adjusting WHEN you eat.

To test their theory, scientists studied two different groups.

Group A ate foods high in fat and carbohydrates and calories and were allowed to eat as much as they wanted.

Group B received the same high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods. And they were also allowed to eat as much as they wanted.

With one small twist:

Group B shifted WHEN they ate.

As you might expect, group A gained fat. 

But scientists found the participants in Group B were actually BLOCKED from gaining fat because the simple shift of changing WHEN they ate activated AMPK and INCREASED metabolism! 
This is why I tell my clients that WHEN you eat is actually more important than WHAT you eat.

And this is why...

... my clients and I are able to enjoy all of my favorite foods while staying in “beach ready” shape.
Are you starting to see how these 3 chain reactions make it possible to harness the power of carbon unlocking and transform your physique? 

Now, all this scientific research is great but you might be wondering...
What Is "Carbon Unlocking" And How Did You Actually Use This To 
Transform Your Body & Get Fit? 
I wish I could tell you I figured everything out in one night.

But the cold hard truth is that even after uncovering all this research… 

… I still had to find a way to put this all together into a simple, easy-to-follow plan. 

That took me quite a few months. 

The trouble was that all of these studies were done by different scientists, in different labs, in different areas of the world. 

So nobody had put them all together like I was trying to do.
But after many months of trial-and-error I finally figured it out.

And once I put it all together, everything changed for me. 

Within a few weeks I achieved my goal physique. 

Using a simple, straightforward and science-based system. 

I was spending less time in the gym than ever before. 
I didn’t have to swear off any of my favorite foods. I still enjoyed pizza with kids & drinks with my friends.

And it’s all thanks to the 3-part “Carbon-Unlocking” formula that I showed you today. 

If you want, you can take the info I’ve given you...

...and use it to get your dream body on your own.

But if you want to save yourself months or even years of hair-pulling trial & error…

… and if you want to take a proven “shortcut” so that you can get your dream body faster…

Let me introduce you to the step-by-step system that I put together to help regular people get fit with this proven plan…
I’ll Show You EXACTLY How To Use The 3-Part “Carbon Unlocking” Principles To Get Lean & Fit... 
...Without Living In The Gym Or Giving Up Any Of Your Favorite Foods 
After I made my own stunning transformation, people started asking for my help.

So I sat down and wrote down everything I learned about harnessing the power of Carbon Unlocking…

… and I put my entire plan “on paper” so that anyone can follow my system to the letter while avoiding years of trial and error.
Now I must warn you that much of what I discovered flies in the face of what doctors, nutritionists and personal trainers will tell you to do.  
And that’s why my plan is called…
This is NOT the kind of plan you’ll find on the shelves of your local bookstore.

Those kinds of "mainstream" plans...

... just don't work.  Trust me, I've tried them all. 
I’m going to give you a concrete plan, backed by science and data. I’ll tell you exactly what to do.  

If you follow the instructions in my plan… you will see the results. Both in the mirror and on the scale.

It doesn’t matter what your current condition.

It doesn’t matter if you have “bad” genetics…

And it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried & failed with other fitness programs.


...I’m going to show you the key to getting lean AT A CELLULAR LEVEL.
This isn’t another one of those watered-down diet books where they tell you to snack on celery instead of doughnuts.

I’m not going to ask you to do a bunch of jumping jacks or other useless exercises.

No way.

I’m going to show you exactly what to do to send a signal to your fat cells that ORDERS them to unlock their stored carbon contents so that you get leaner.
The Underground Fat Loss program is going to teach you how to unlock the carbon stored in your fat cells using a THREE-PHASED approach.

First: Each week you’re going to perform a series of short but simple resistance training workouts.

The workouts can be done at home without any equipment.

Or you do the workouts at the gym if you like.

The important thing is that you do the workouts.

Now keep in mind you don’t burn many calories during these ultra-short workouts. In fact you may not even break a sweat.  But that’s not the point of these workouts. 

These workouts are designed to trigger myokines. Remember, myokine-generating activity signals the body to boost the level of your metabolism, burn more calories AND regulate your appetite.

This is the first piece of the puzzle in regards to unlocking the carbon stored inside your fat cells.

As part of the Underground Fat Loss program, I’ll give you a full breakdown on this unique style of training. You’ll get step-by-step instructions so there’s no guesswork on your part.
The Underground Fat Loss Program Also Includes
The 4 Second Protocol
That Turns On Fat Oxidation (Burning) At A Cellular Level

...research shows that unless you move around enough in your daily life to accumulate 8,500 steps in a day, you may actually become “fat-oxidation resistant.”

This means your body will burn fat at a slower pace compared to others EVEN if you exercise for an hour a day!  

But for those who can't get that many steps per day due to... commitments, I’m going to teach you the 4-second protocol that gives the same results.
Scientists call this “non-fatiguing activity” and studies show it results in a 43% increase in whole body fat-oxidation (fat burning) compared to the control group![17]

Lastly, I’ll give you the final piece of the puzzle. In the 3rd part of the program, you’ll discover how to burn fat without giving up any of your favorite foods by utilizing…
The Advanced Meal Timing Strategy That Activates Each Fat Cell's 
"Molecular Clock"
Once you master this concept...'ll see firsthand why I tell my clients that when you eat is more important than what you eat. 

You'll see... me and my clients get lean without swearing off any of our favorite foods.
When you layer all 3 parts of the system correctly...’ll trigger your fat cells to unlock their stored carbon contents. This results in the fat cells shrinking… which means your waistline shrinks too, as well as the numbers on the scale.
It's not magic.

It's science. 

You'll start seeing and feeling the changes in the first few says... the mirror, on the scale and in your energy levels... 
Which will only strengthen your motivation and your excitement.

And you’ll be glad you made the decision to get started with the Underground Fat Loss program (which you gain access to TODAY at a special discount price – more on that in a moment.)

But first let me sweeten the deal for you with the following bonuses...
The Underground Fat Loss Main Manual ($29 Value) 

This is the guide that will change everything for you.

By the time you finish reading this guide, you’ll finally understand the TRUTH about how getting lean really works at a cellular level.

You’ll understand exactly how to unlock the trapped carbon molecules inside your fat cells.
And you’ll have a detailed plan of attack on how to get lean with this science-based approach.

It’s not hype to say that just by reading this guide ONE TIME you’ll actually walk away knowing more about the science of fat loss than most doctors, personal trainers or dieticians! 
Carbon Unlocking Explained ($29 Value) 

This brief report will show you exactly...

... how to start unlocking the stored stored carbon inside your body.

Just by reading this guide, you'll know more about the science of getting lean than most doctors!  
The Quick Start Guide ($25 Value) 

While the main manual does...

an incredible job of teaching you everything you need to know about the science of fat loss…

I know that some people just want to skip all that.
Some people just want to be told exactly what to do.

So in this quick start guide, I’ll take you by the hand and show you exactly how to get started on your path to leanness in just 5 minutes! 
The Underground Fat Loss Tracking Log ($19 Value) 

This is my "secret weapon" to helping my clients get lean.

Listen, I’m going to teach you my data-driven approach to getting lean. This means we’re going to follow the science and numbers to give you the body you want.

So it’s crucial to track the data so you can see your progress and make adjustments. 

That’s where this tracking log comes in. Using this tracking log, you’ll see exactly how fast you’re making progress and how to avoid plateaus.
Access To My Hand-Picked Coach To Help You Out If You Have Any Questions ($100 Value)

When you join The Underground Fat Loss program… 

you’re not just buying a program.

You’re becoming a member of our private community.
We’re a small family of people committed to getting lean using the principles you’re going to discover in this program. 
So to make sure you have everything you need to succeed, I’m actually going to put one of my hand-picked coaches in your corner.  

Which means if you have a question about anything…

… or if you just need a word of encouragement…

… help is just an email away. 

Of course you’ll get direct access to me as well but sometimes my coaches can give you the fastest response.

So let me be the first to say welcome to the team. Ready to get started?
You're Only Going To Pay
A Tiny Fraction
Of What My Private Clients Happily Paid

In the past when you could hire me for one-on-one online coaching I was charging $1,500 and I demanded a three month commitment.  

Despite that high-fee, I had a waiting list of clients lined up to work with me. 


Because I’m the one who gets them results when nothing else has worked before.

But because I’m no longer accepting private training clients, it’s my mission to help as many people as I can and make my system available to anyone who needs it.

Other fitness programs typically retail for $197.00...

... which isn’t a bad deal for something that can have such a profound impact on your entire life. 

But... when you click or tap the button below…

And as part of this special deal...

I’ll give you an 87% discount - so you’ll pay just $27 for instant access to the Underground Fat Loss program.

If we worked together privately, that would buy you about 5 minutes of time with me. 

But today, it gets you instant access to my entire program, giving you everything you need to kick-start your own incredible transformation...

Not to mention how much money this could end up SAVING you compared to wasting hundreds of dollars on useless supplements or shakes…

… or burning $80-an-hour to train with a personal trainer (who CAN’T tell you exactly how to unlock the carbon trapped inside your fat cells!)
You spend at least that much going out to lunch a couple times in a month. But going out to lunch won’t change your life. This will. 

As I said, I’m offering this price right now because I’m no longer accepting 1-on-1 personal training clients so this is your only way to get access to this proven system. 

But I can’t promise the price will remain this low in the future.   
So if you want to save 87%, go ahead and click the button below now.

Just $27

You're Fully Backed By A Zero-Risk, 100% Money-Back...


I'm giving you TWO GUARANTEES with The Underground Fat Loss Program today...

Place your order now and over the next 60 days, if you decide you don’t like The Underground Fat Loss Program for whatever reason...

Just send a quick email to my customer support team.
You’ll get every penny back right away.

No questions. No hard feelings. No delay on returning your money.

And yes, I mean any reason.

If you don’t like my style or writing or if you don’t like one of the bonuses… you can refund. 
I want you to be completely thrilled with the program. If you’re not, the right thing to do is make sure you get your money back.

That’s the first guarantee.

The second guarantee is better...

With it...
You Get Measurable Results Or You Don't Pay A Dime  
In other words...

I don’t want you to just take my word that this program delivers.

I want to PROVE it to you.

Here’s how it works...

Join The Underground Fat Loss Program today...

And you're covered by this...

...“Results You Can See” Guarantee for 60 days.

In other words, you can try the entire program without putting a single dollar at risk.

By the end of the 60 days, you love what you see in the mirror and on the scale or I immediately send your money back.


In return, all I ask is that you send in before and after pictures plus a copy of your tracking log to prove that you actually followed the program. 

If you do that...

Even if your transformation is incredible… 

If it doesn’t exceed your expectations...

I’ll happily send your money back.

Why would I possibly be willing... take money out of my own pocket like this? 

I’m FED UP with all the confusion and conflicting advice being pushed on you by the fitness industry…

I’m tired of seeing arrogant trainers and ignorant dieticians charging sky-high prices without giving any results… 
I’ve seen far too many of my own friends and family members shell out $200 a month for “name brand” gyms and fitness classes that make you sweat but never actually make you lean. 

Mostly, however, I’ve been in your shoes and know how frustrating it can be to feel powerless over your own body. 

To feel like you’re doing everything right but not seeing any results.  

But I've also managed to break through to the other side.

... and experience the amazing feeling of finally getting a body you can be proud of. 
And the fact that I’ve figured out a way to do it without giving up any of my favorite foods just makes it even sweeter. 

And now I can’t wait to help YOU on your path to transformation. 

Let’s do it together. Start now by clicking the button below.

You’ll be taken to a secure, fully-encrypted order form where you can review the details of this offer and fill in your information.

This form takes less than two minutes and your information is protected by the same industry-standard security used by sites like Amazon.

Of course, the moment you finish your order, you’re covered by my double guarantee.

Just $27

From There, Here's What Will Happen...
First, you’ll get instant access to the entire program.

As soon as you get to the end of the checkout process, you’ll end up on a private web page where you can access the entire program and start reading right now.

You’ll get it all… The Underground Fat Loss Main Manual... The Quick Start Guide... and The Tracking Log.

My suggestion is to dive right into the main manual. But if you’re crunched for time and you want to start transforming your body as soon as TONIGHT you can start with the Quick Start guide.
Of course, I don’t want you to worry about saving that webpage so next you’ll also get an email with a direct link to the program. 

Plus I’ll also include some tips on how to get started. You can use any device with an internet connection to access the program - phone, tablet or computer.
Then, to make sure you stay motivated and engaged I’ll continue to check in with you via email and guide you along the way. 
Then The Fun Begins...
I’m serious.

Getting lean doesn’t usually qualify as “fun” but with my program you start to see results quickly.   

I’ve had people telling me they can’t wait to wake up in the morning and step on the scale because they are so excited to see how much progress they’ve made. 

And when you finally start to shed some of the excess weight you’ve been carrying around for years, you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel.

Your joints will feel better.

You’ll have more energy.

And your overall mood will improve too. You’ll just feel…

Plus, I can’t really explain it but there seems to be a shift in the way the rest of the world treats you. 

The world seems a little friendlier… people seem a little nicer… and even complete strangers seem to sense the transformation that’s happening inside you.

Like I said, I can’t really explain it. I know it sounds weird but you’ll just have to experience it for yourself.
*Results vary depending on starting point, goals and effort. See full disclaimer below.  
There’s never been a better time to do this than right now.

Especially since I’m offering you a huge discount and there’s no downside - you’re covered by two guarantees.

You either love everything about this program AND get results that go beyond your wildest expectations...

...or you pay nothing.

Click the button below and I’ll see you on the inside.

Just $27

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need To Go The Gym? What Equipment Is Required? 
No, you don't need to go to the gym.  No equipment required.  You can follow the program using your own bodyweight in the comfort of your own home. 
How Does Your Guarantee Work?
It’s simple. You will love everything about this program AND get results that exceed your expectations...

...or you pay nothing.

Specifically, the two guarantees work like this...

The first guarantee allows you to join today and take the next 60 days to see what the program is, how it works, and whether or not you think this is right for you. 

This way, you can check it out with zero risk whatsoever and decide for yourself if it’s right for you.

The second guarantee is even better because with it, you get VISUAL RESULTS (in the mirror and on the scale) or I send your money back.

With this guarantee, all I ask in return is you send in before and after pictures as well as your tracking log to prove you followed the program.

Do that... and if you don’t love your transformation (even if it was great)... I’ll happily send your money back. There’s nothing to lose. Click below to get started. 
Do I Have To Give Up Certain Foods? 
Nope!  That's the beauty of this plan.  You can eat WHATEVER you want.  Birthday cake, pizza, grown-up beverages.  I'll teach how to enjoy your favorite foods and drinks while still going after the body yoyu want. 
Can I Do This Program If I'm Very Out Of Shape? 
Absolutely YES!  This is a beginner-friendly program.  No previous experience is required and it doesn't matter where you're starting from. 
Do I Need To Take Supplements?  
No.  You can get great results without any supplements. 

There ARE some incredible research-backed supplements that can make your journey faster and easier and I'll introduce you to those supplement after you order.  

But those are 100% optional and you can absolutely get the body you want without any supplements. 
What Exactly Is Carbon Unlocking?
Carbon unlocking is my tri-phase approach to getting lean. 

Without getting too deep into the science, your fat cells are full of carbon.  And the secret to getting lean is creating the proper conditions in the body that unlock that stored carbon. 

This results in your fat cells shrinking, which results in getting lean. It's not magic.  It's simple science.  
Is My Information Safe?
Yes. Your information is 100% safe, private, and secure.

Your order will be processed with the same industry-standard encryption and data protection used by sites like Amazon.

Click below to go to this secure order page now.
What If I Have Additional Questions?
The best thing to do is order now so you don't end up missing out.

99.9% of all questions are answered by reading through the program.  But if you're still on the fence about something you can text us at 1-734-219-3735 and we'll try and and get back to you within 72 hours. 

Keep in mind we spend most of our time serving our paying customers so the best thing to do is order now. 

Just $27

Scientific References That You Can Check For Yourself To See That Every Word I'm Telling You Is True
[1] The diet industry cap is north of $200 billion.
[2] Calories burned running a marathon.
[3] Energy requirements to burn a pound of stored body fat.
[4] Exercise Won't Make You Lose Weight.
[5] The Science Is In: Exercise Won't Help You Lose Much Weight.
[6] Why Exercise Won't Make You Lose Weight
[7] Kemper Rice Diet:
[8] Initial weight loss as a predictor of weight loss success after 8 weeks: the Diogenes study.
[9] Enlightening facts about fat metabolism:
[10] Myokines and resistance training: A narrative review.
[11] Resistance exercise induces a greater irisin response than endurance exercise.
[12] DSC and Postprandial Fat Metabolism.
[13] Is Sitting The New Smoking?
[14] The Dangers Of Sitting.
[15] How Your Chair May Be Hurting You.
[16] Sitting Is The New Smoking.
[17] Hourly 4-s Sprints Prevent Impairment of Postprandial Fat Metabolism from Inactivity.
Copyright 2022 (c) All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: This website is intended as an information source only, not to be construed as medical advice.
The information given here is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, you are urged to seek competent medical help. Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and our other channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Investing of any form carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this website is at your own risk. This guide may contain affiliate links. Subject to our Refund Policy, we provide content without any express or implied warranties. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. 
*Testimonial Disclaimer: All of the testimonials presented above are real and were submitted by actual customers. Please take into consideration that these testimonials do not necessarily represent typical results of the program. Results may vary between different members of the program due to the differences in individual exercise history, genetics, age, sex, personal motivation and other factors. Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.
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